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조회수 1405

외국계 생명과학 진단용품 공급회사


Technical Application Scientist 0명

Field Applications Scientist 0명

1. This position is responsible for providing scientific/technical support to our existing customers.

2.Ph.D./ M.S or B.S. plus 2 years relevant lab experience in molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics or related field, Excellent in English

3.NGS experience during school, and have some customer fronting experience (not necessary to be lab related) and very good communication skills

4.Min. 2 years of hands-on lab experience in diagnostics/clinical environment, in PCR/NGS

5.Genetics or Molecular Biology or Bioinformatics 전공 및 관련전공 필수, 진단 분야 경력 선호, Excellent in English


담당자 : Elena Choi 

Global Executive Search of Consulting Group

Global PARTNERS Korea

e-mail: elena@globalpartners.co.kr

office: 82 2-2052-7144 fax: 82 2-2052-7474


9th Fl. BMY Yeoksam Tower, 16 Teheran-ro 27-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06141 R.O.K


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